Saturday, November 6, 2021

Back to the river: paddlewheeler on the Murray River


Murray Princess Paddlewheeler

"While I was born in Adelaide, both my parents were born in the South Australian country," says travel writer and photographer, Roderick Eime, "Mum was born at Renmark, and with many childhood weekends away, the Murray River formed a large part of our family life."

"We often forget that paddlewheelers opened up the Australian outback to commerce long before the first railway lines and roads were laid. The old steamers are an integral part of our colonial history."

19th-century commerce. Loading cargo on a Murray River paddlesteamer
Rod revisits his family heritage along Australia's largest river with a reprise on the largest inland paddlewheeler in the southern hemisphere, the majestic PS Murray Princess.

Stories and images from this voyage will be available from December 2021.


  1. Ah very nice! This is actually the PS Canberra, I believe they had drinks and scones (with jam and cream)

  2. "We often forget that paddlewheelers opened up the Australian outback to commerce long before the first railway lines and roads were laid. The old steamers are an integral part of our colonial history."
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  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Many paddle wheelers on the Murray River offer dining options, including meals served onboard the boat. Some also offer entertainment, such as live music and performances, making for a fun and memorable experience. At this time I'm working with information technology essay help. You can easily approach our team.

  5. Ah very nice! This is actually the PS Canberra, I believe they had drinks and scones (with jam and cream)

  6. "We often forget that paddlewheelers opened up the Australian outback to commerce long before the first railway lines and roads were laid. The old steamers are an integral part of our colonial history."

  7. I love the way Roderick Eime's writing captures the beauty and history of the Murray River. His words paint a vivid picture of a time when paddle wheelers were the lifeblood of the Australian outback. I'm also interested in the mention of cover letter prices. I'm currently in the process of applying for jobs, and I'm wondering how much I should expect to pay for a professional cover letter.

  8. The paddlewheelers played a crucial role in the development of Australian outback, opening up commerce and connecting remote areas through waterways. Their significance cannot be undermined, especially when it comes to Rail Freight Transport. These old steamers were pioneers, providing a transportation option that eventually paved the way for railway lines and roads to become established.

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